only Amber will drink out of the faucet stream properly. Molly and Screech aren't brave enough. although, Molly will lie in the sink blocking the drain with her body until it's about half-full...
11 October 2010
Elliot's eyes drive me nuts. that cat has more allergies than any indoor animal should.
flat land
09 October 2010
planning a road trip to the Northwest this semester... there aren't any mountains around here and I'm ready to see some!
taking a walk
03 October 2010
the cat you see at the beginning is the Screech-clone who lives next door. literally, he lives one door over, and he seems to divide most of his time between the gutter in the street and that neat-looking bush-plant. his voice is much sweeter than the real Screech's - that's the only way I can tell them apart.
19 September 2010
I don't think I've ever been attacked by so many mosquitoes as I was while trying to photograph this moon rising. I wanted to get the whole thing, but not as much as I wanted to avoid dying a slow death from bug-inflicted blood loss.
12 September 2010
when Thomas and I eat food together, it often involves star trek. you could say I'm kind of in love with it. that would be a pretty big understatement, though. also: the kittens are getting huge. how do they grow so fast?
elliot licks a kitten
06 September 2010
meet Molly. as you can tell, Elliot is completely taken with her. he stalks her around the apartment, licking her whenever she stops moving for more than an instant, and rolling around with her as if she wasn't 1/4 his size. the other cats range from indifference to loathing when it comes to Molly, but Elliot appears convinced that she is his long-lost daughter.
soda cans
04 September 2010
these are soda cans. I smashed them all and then put them in a bag for recycling this evening. (that's right - I know how to party it up on a friday night. bring it!)
02 September 2010
this rainfall only lasted for about ten minutes. but see, after I took these photos, I ran outside with a bucket and caught all of the raindrops (and Thomas helped by lassoing up the clouds). now, the next time it's >100 degrees and sunny, we'll just let loose our ingredients and make ourselves a beautiful afternoon. GENIUS!
last day of august
01 September 2010
their favorite toy happens to be a small plastic ring from a milk carton. one man's trash...